Maryland HPC User Group 2022
The Commons Building
Commons Drive, Baltimore, MD 21250
Thursday, September 29th
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2022 User Group meeting!
If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please email John (joliverio@cambridgecomputer.com)
We hope to see everyone at SuperComputing in Dallas in November!
What's New with the Maryland HPC User Group?
We are very excited to be back and hosting the fourth Maryland HPC User Group at the UMBC Technology Center in September!
Like previous events, this year's MD HPC User Group will be an afternoon of research computing-focused presentations, discussions, and workshops with three tracks running parallel to one another to appeal to everyone. After the sessions have concluded, we'll host a Happy hour at a nearby restaurant! Location is still TBD.
Our afternoon plan will be an expanded version of past years’ afternoon plans with three rounds of 50 minute sessions running from 1:30PM to 4:20PM. We built the afternoon agenda to be appealing to both HPC administrators as well as a more general audience by distributing the more technical sessions as much as possible. We have some excellent content o cover - we hope that you are able to join us!
12 PM - 6 PM

Guest code: 90112156
Free parking at Commons Drive Garage and Administration Drive Garage


